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Organizes and provides his/her expertise in the areas of his/her skills and carries out any other task assigned to him/her by the higher authority, to design and implement...
As Head, the incumbent is responsible for directing the development, enhancement and implementation of the work of the Unit including WIPO's strategy and initiatives in managing...
Leads and coordinates the Agency’s initiatives to develop relevant policies, strategies and operational guidance aimed at ensuring the promotion of the rights and protection of...
Coordinate the development and management of Regional Office programme activities and projects, at both regional and national level. The Programme Officer will also ensure that...
Provide overall support and implementation of the communications strategic plan to increase and ensure the visibility of the SAFE Pacific Project and other Markets for Livelihood...
Evaluates programme performance related to thematic and country mandates on human rights, including from a gender perspective. Ensures human rights issues, including their gender...
Identify and define the design elements of competition-based deployment mechanisms for distributed renewable energy (DRE), drawing on frameworks such as IRENA's auctions framework...
You will provide support to the Director of Climate Change and Sustainability in the effective management of the Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Division and...
Manage and coordinate the activities and provide the required support for the implementation and monitoring of programmes and/or projects: Monitor and report the implementation of...
You will be responsible for the ongoing programme management of the Commonwealth Blue Charter and the implementation of the recently adopted Apia Commonwealth Ocean Declaration...
Develop and maintain operating rules and procedures; Provide technical leadership and ensure efficient functioning of all Divisions within the department/directorate; Manage the...
The Head of the Secretariat oversees the complex work of managing the Coalition and its different components. This includes ensuring that governments are participating and...
Reviews, monitors and evaluates activities relating to the implementation of international human rights instruments, including recommendations of treaty bodies and mechanisms of...
Plan, formulate, oversee, and implement the work of the Legal Unit. The Legal Unit supports the effective implementation of the Convention by monitoring the compliance of Parties...